Saturday, December 30, 2006


Hiyaaaaaaaaaa... Finally! we're re-connected to the "virtual world" after the damn earthquake in Taiwan broke the telecommunication system in almost all parts in Asia! .. Phiew!!!!.. Fortunatelly, i just sent my scholarship application in a few hours before the eartquake occured.. what a lucky! if not.. i didn't know what would happen to me... stressssss (again)!!!! cos yesterday was the dateline of application.. Thanks God! And, My deep condolences to the family and people in Taiwan who lost their beloved person(s)
Saludos Virtuales entonces!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas' Wishes :)

These are not whisful thinking of mine, but these all are hopes that i'm whispering in this beautiful day: ).. May this Christmas brings me alot of joyful and the coming year will fulfill with bunches of successes.. jejejee..

Para el año que viene, Ojalá! tenga exito en todos los haré .. especialmente pa' la beca española .. la deseo muchisimaaaaa... despues del fracaso por este año, la intento otra vez... y espero q vaya muy bien la beca :) ..^^.. Salamanca... esperame en el año 2007!!

To mi papi, mi mami, y dedeku tercinta... heheheee... u're the best!!!!..
we're family!!! the best family 4-eva!!!! yeahhhhhhhh...!!!
and.. though we just have a simple x-mas celebration, but we did it!!
we have a wonderful x-mas guysssss!!!

A todos de mis amigos, espero que vuestra amistad se quede conmigo siempre ... para Flavio.. tioooo, espero que nuestro plan para crear una pyme vaya mejor, aunque poco a poco.. hihihii.. don't worry, i'll try my best in Salamanca.. hehheheee cos i'm too excited tio!! pa' Koky, Kresner, Gilberto "Kike", Romeo Bobo, David, Luide, etc.. thanks for being my friends guys.. saludos virtuales desde aqui!!! Seguimos en contacto por supuesto!!! Oiii.. Amel... keep reading my blog yaaahh.. (awas kalo gak!!!!!) walopun kadang2 gak penting isinya hehheheeee.. :) Mels, you're a true friend! giving a very nice experience at the end of this year to me after all i got the depresion and the bad things throughout this year.. yeah!! Decorating Apostolic Nunciature :) ... Kiki, temen chating gue dan temen curhat gue, walopun kita lebih sering ketemu dan chatingan di yahoo msg tapi curhat2an, gosip2an jalan terusssssss.. hehehe.. Julia.. keep in touch, dan moga2 gue bisa ngutarain perasaan gue ke orang yang gue sayang selama ini (you know who he is kan??)
and.. to all my friends wherever you are, luv you all!!

x Rafa, Pilar, Ainhoa, y Advent..
wuiiiiiiihhhh... os echo de menos!!!! de verdad!!
Joel and his group FOURTISSIMO..
have a rockin' x-mas and great success in the coming year 2007!

last but not least.. on this wonderful x-mas, may i whisper a full of hope of peacefulness in all parts of our lovely earth, healthiness, cheerfulness, welfare to all the people, and... for myself, besides all those things mencioned above... i should include this: CARI JODOH tentunya.. hihihihiiii... this could be the last but not-forgotten one!

Have a wonderful.. a joyful and a very greattttttt Christmas!!
Feliz Navidad para todos!!! q lo pasen muy bien allí!!!!
Selamat Natal!! Damai Natal beserta kita ^^

God bless you all guys!

the wishful x-mas tree

Saturday, December 23, 2006

still.. Decorating Apostolic Nunciature ^^

whoaaaaa.. x-mas is coming.. just 2 days left :)

After the x-mas tree, we got the manger :)
nice manger it is.. simple but so representative hehhee...

mmmmm... Nuncio Girelli y Mgr. Novatus.. thanks to u guys ^^
we got these experiences..

so... all we got now.. the decorated tree, the manger, the wreaths ..

Last but not least... thanks to "para penghuni taman Apostolic Nunciature" :
Carlitos the turttle,
Orangino the orange fish,
Lazino si "ikan males",
and other friends of them :D ..
for accompanying us while decorating in the pouring rain

once again... foto menyusul yaaaa..

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Decorating x-mas tree in Apostolic Nunciature

:) Haaapppyyy... Yiiipppyy ... Deeepppy... Siiiippppyyy!!!
seneng deh Selasa kemaren bisa dapet kesempatan untuk nge-dekor x-mas tree di Kedutaan Vatican :) Nuncio Girelli baik banget, Mgr. Novatus juga asik banget.. sempet foto2 namun blom sempet di-upload nih.. :) rencananya Jumat mendatang kita mau kesana lagi untuk nyelesein x-mas tree nya trus mau bantuin ngebuat manger alias palungan untuk baby Jesus :)
a beautiful X-mas tree and a wonderful manger we have!! can't wait to see :D and.. What a nice experience i have ^^

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Plan for Decorating Apostolic Nunciature

Whoaaaaaaaaa.... i can fell that x-mas is coming !!!!!
mmmmm.... this year i got an unsual plan.. Decorating Apostolic Nunciature which is the Embassy of Vatican in Jakarta :D
ssssssoooooo excitingggggggg ever!!
First of all, we had to check the x-mas stuffs out in Nunciature and we were accepted by the sisters there :) what a nice sis yaaa! eventhough we got old stuffs but we can use them for this year's decoration.. just have to find out lil bit more to make some details and differences, not much actually
The main theme of this year is red poinsettas :) so, to complete the decoration stuff, we go rideeeeeeee to Mangga Dua using Trans Jakarta Busway, a lovely-crowded bus ever :D
Bah! arrived at 12, wowwwww.. rameeeeeeee bo!!!
so crowded crazy place there, everybody just spend the money easily..
we'd found many x-mas stuffs there.. not many, but lotzaaaa actually ! but surpriseddddd so esxpensive and the price can not be bargained too much.... we got reason, all the shopper wish the best for their x-mas tree hehehehee.. so do we of course! but with the nice cheaper ones! ehheeheeeeee... ogah rugi banget ^^ Yup.. we are under budget darling ^^
so.. after we picked up all the stuffs we need, we have to face (one more time) the traffic.. what a hectic traffic.. gilaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Mangga Dua and surround soo hectic!!!!!!!
thennnnn, after faced those crowded Mangga Dua and hectic traffic... finally, Kelapa Gading 's in front of us.. hihihihihihi :)))

mmmmmmmm.... i can't wait to decorate the x-mas tree and the whole of Apostolic Nuanciture... and i'm too excited to see how beautiful our x-mas tree ;)

pictures aren't available to put yet :D

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Teaching Europe to Teachers (TET)

Just one word to say to this TET event: WOWWWWWWWWWWW.... !!
2 thumbs up for the European Union and its European Culture Institutes :)

Held for the 4th times by this year, venue at Goethe Institut Jakarta, 10 December 2006 (First, Feb 2006 in Goethe with the presentation of Portugal, France and Sweden; Second, 2 April 2006.. taking venue at IIC Jakarta, and well-prepared by our beloved Spanish Cultural Institute's Coordinator: Rafael Martín (Aula Cervantes Yakarta) in colaboration with Istituto Italiano di Cultura and Greece Embassy, see the picture below; Third, July 2006, in Erasmus Huis with the presentation of Nederland and some other european countries; Fourth, September 2006, in Intercontinental Hotel, prepared by British Council Jakarta in colaboration with Finland Embassy and Erasmus Mundus Scholarship; and.. the last TET held in this year, is today!!!!) mmmmmmmmm.... after I got lil bit depression in a whole damn week. This event could refresh my mind awhile.. (cos moro, i'll be back to the f**king s**t office, and work with a who**ng id**t boss)

Teaching Europe to Teachers!!!
not just because of its groovy goody bag nor delicious crunchy european lunch which was well-prepared by Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta (thanks!), furtherly it was a great fun event with many creative things to be done and known.

I followed the workshop about food and drink in Germany which was very good and interesting project done by Goethe Institut (whoaaa... once again, 2 thumbs up for you guys!) i also tasted "kentang penyet mixed with onion" ala Jerman (hihihi.. sorry! i forget the german name, terlalu sulit untuk diingat namanya), it's tasty actually even though just prepared by some workshop members that hadn't know how to prepare it before ^^

the workshop "Food and Drink in Germany"
(creative, attractive, innovative, and interactive!)
... another quite interesting thing was the presentation about Central Europe, Poland, Slovak, Czech, and.. of course shouldn't forget Germany! Marvelous countries with amazing panoramas and people :) .. Should go there someday ^^

TET 2 April 2006,
venue: Istituto Italiano di Cultura

TET 10 December 2006
venue: Goethe Institut

(this story to be continued)