Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mejoraría ... todo!

hmmmmmm... este año, querría encontrar nuevo trabajo que me de satisfacción, no solo en el sueldo, pero en todos aspectos de trabajo... solicitar por el puesto (de trabajo) que sea muy diferente con lo que tengo hoy...
hmmmmmm... además, deseando y esperando la noticia de la beca española que ya solicité ... es que... tengo algunos planes para hacer negocios y establecer una PYME. Por lo tanto, querría estudiarlos en España mediante esta beca ...
hmmmmmm... también, en este año querría buscar "mi pareja". Una persona que podría y querría aceptarme como soy y me quiere mucho... muchisimo...
hmmmmmm... finalmente, querría mejorarme, querría ser una persona mejor que antes!

(Just) Money!

money you can buy a house but not a home
With money you can buy a clock but not time
With money you can buy a bed but not sleep
With money you can buy a book but not knowledge
With money you can pay for a doctor but not health
With money you can buy a position but not respect
With money you can buy blood but not life
With money you can buy sex but not love

With money you can buy happiness but JUST camouflage

* Thanks to Amel

Sunday, January 14, 2007

3rd Batizado Capoeira Negaça

Axe! Axe! Capoeira

3rd Batizado Capoeira Negaça
"Troca de Cordas, Open Roda feat. Dança"
at La Piazza Kelapa Gading Jakarta
January 13, 2007
14:00 WIB till drop (at 19:00 WIB)

Congratz to "alunos" who had done "Troca de Cordas"
& thanks to Rod and Noko (Capoeira Senzala) for the workshop!
last but not least.. thanks to all grupos Capoeira in Indonesia

obrigado! obrigado! obrigado!

Coração de Capoeira Negaça

batizado and open roda

Capoeira Grupo Negaça Jakarta

capoeira Grupo Negaça

foto by: Bli Verdy & Capoeira Negaça

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Good Morning Happiness *

Good morning happiness che voli dentro me
Una farfalla sei che non si può legare mai
Ma quando arriva lei mette le ali ai sogni tuoi
E li porta fino a chi dirà di si

è la felicità che si posa qui
è la felicità da prendere così
per l'attimo che da tu respirala e fa che resti lì
la felicità è un orologio che
lancette no ne ha tu prendila com'è
perchè nessuno sa se tornerà e quando lo farà
cogli l'attimo e più non avrai, tristezza nei giorni tuoi

Good morning happiness

metti le ali ai sogni miei
E li fai volare su sempre di più oltre il blu

è la felicità che si posa qui
la felicità da prendere così
per l'attimo che da tu respirala e fa che resti lì
la felicità è un orologio che
lancette no ne ha tu prendila com'è
perchè nessuno sa se tornerà e quando lo farà
cogli l'attimo e più non avrai, tristezza nei giorni tuoi!

* testo: Gisella Cozzo, Cheope, Laura Pausini


Batizado Capoeira Negaça

Capoeira Negaça Jakarta proudly presents to you:
at La Piazza Kelapa Gading Jakarta
January 13, 2007
14:00 WIB - drop!

be there!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Smile 2 U *

SMILE because you are beautiful,
SMILE because you are wonderful,
SMILE because you are loved,
SMILE because there is GOD awaiting above,

SMILE because you are you,
SMILE because I am me,
SMILE because friends we are,
SMILE because we make each other happy,

SMILE for you,
SMILE for me,
SMILE for the world and what it may be,

SMILE through the pain,
SMILE to the rain,
SMILE till it's sunny again,

Never lose that SMILE,
Not even for a while,
Let it rain, let it storm, it can't last long,
And you'll be smiling again because you are strong,
Make the right choice,
SMILE, laugh..


Dedicated to everyone who loves me much and who cares me much !!

* thanks to the writter, whoever and wherever u r *

La Felicidad

La Felicidad no es depende de lo que nos falta,
sino de esmerado cultivo.
La felicidad se hace, no se halla.
Brota del interior, no viene de fuera.

Monday, January 08, 2007

iL Divo

Buena Productions proudly presents: IL DIVO live in concert
February 20, 2007
Plenary Hall Jakarta Convention Center
.... nice group! and nice songs they have! ...

ps: Amel, gue pengen nonton!!

Tears for Two!

Finally, we just passed the year 2006, even though at the end of that year, a damn accident occured in Java Sea. Bad weather and over-weight caused the Ship of Senopati Nusantara which in that moment was bringing more than 800 pax drawn. Not enough just 1 accident, in the first day of year 2007, another damn accident came along together with the new year. A plane that belongs to Adam Air with 102 pax was reported "missing" and till today we got no advices to find it out. ... The main suspect of these accidents is "WEATHER" ... yeah.. all said that... But is it trully true?? or are there some forgotten safety factors that caused these? Dunno! Only GOD knows what and why!

Deep condolences to the people that lost their beloved person(s) and for those who's still waiting for the advices, i pray for the best...

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Wishing You Happy New Year...
to Everyone ...
Who's Reading this Blog!
Warm Regards